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that the did not understand Russian. The
delegates refused to speak in Russian and put
the texts of their speeches, written in
Ukrainian, on the presidium’s table.
1904 At the congress of Ukrainian General
Organization (UGO), whose members shared
reasonable liberal-democratic positions, it was
announced about the fact that it was no longer
possible to be engaged in cultural activities.
Therefore, it was proposed to turn to political
activity and form a political party – the
Ukrainian Democratic Party (UDP). Its
program was approved. O. Lototsky, Y.
Tymchenko and Y. Chykalenko became its
leaders. The party stood up for federative
structure of Russia and autonomy of Ukraine
within it. As the program was not approved
by all members, the part of them left UDP and
established the Ukrainian Radical Party
(URP). B. Hrichenko, S. Yefremov, F.
Matushevsky became its leaders. Both parties
were small intellectual groups. In the end of
1905 UDP and URP united into one
Ukrainian Democratic-Radical party
January, 9 “Bloody Sunday” in Petersburg, the
1905 beginning of bourgeois-democratic
June, 14-25, The uprising in Odesa and seamen of
1905 battleship ‘Potyomkin’. The uprising leaders
H. Vakulenchuk and P. Matyushenko were
Ukrainians. More than 6 thousand of seamen
participated in the uprising. Together with