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- to conclude agreements, trade agreements in
                              - to be engaged in craft or trade;
                              -  to  purchase  personal  and  estate  property,
                              inherit it by law.
                              Peasants  became  free  but  remained  to  the
                              “lowest” section of society. Landlords had to
                              supply  peasants  with  small  plots  of  land  for
                              money.  Till  the  repurchase  agreement,
                              peasants were considered temporarily obliged
                              and had to work to pay quitrent. The term of
                              repurchase  agreement  ended  in  1881.  It  was
                              presupposed  that  the  government  would
                              compensate 80% of the land cost to landlords
                              in the form of bonds. Peasants were supposed
                              to pay that sum back to the government with
                              interest during 49 years (till the year of 1907
                              peasants paid more than 1.5 bln. karbovantsy;
                              the sum exceeded the land cost greatly). The
                              rest of the land cost peasants were to pay to
                              the  landlord  by  means  of  money  or  labour.
                              94% of peasant families got tiny plots of land
                              (up  to  5  dessiatinas).  But,  nevertheless,  the
                              reforms  of  1861  created  conditions  for
                              capitalism development in Russia.
            March, 10,        T.  Shevchenko’s  death.  He  was  in
            1861              Smolenkoye  cemetery  in  Petersburg.  On
                              March,  22  in  1861  his  body  was  brought to
                              Ukraine  and  reburied  on  Chernecha  hill  in
            1862              The financial reform
                              1.  The  governance  of  money  economy  was
                              centralized  in  the  hands  of  ministry  of

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