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sauce for them.
                            d.  The menu is also very American, though it is  a bit too traditional for
                                my  taste.  The  menu  is  very  extensive,  which  always  worries  me
                                because  a  large  menu  often  means  a  large  freezer.  The  most
                                delicious main course we tried was the country stew which consisted
                                of  potatoes,  carrots  peas,  mushrooms,  very  tender  beef,  and  –
                                surprise!- some smoked sausage. Because top quality beef was used,
                                it was unusually good. Among other well-prepared main courses was
                                the fried chicken because it wasn't cooked before and then re-heated.
                                It was fresh and crisp.
                            e.  Although the tables and chairs are modern reproductions, there are
                                enough authentic antique pieces at the entrance and on the walls to
                                avoid the fake Disneyland look of some restorations.
                            f.  It's hard to  judge the service at this friendly restaurant. Because it
                                was so crowded when I went, usually at 8 o'clock, service was slow.
                                The Reservation system doesn't always work.
                            g.  Although my dinner companionas and I chose some things from the
                                regular menu, we usually choose one of the day's specials.
                            h.  If you can still eat dessert after all this plus rather good home-made
                                bread and creamery butter, try the apple pie. The apples were juicy
                                and firm and the pastry was light.
                            i.  On one occasion, someone took our reservation for dinner but didn't
                                have  it  when  we  arrived.  This  kind  of  things  can  damage  a
                                restaurant's reputation, although its food may be good.

                            10. Write  10-15 sentences (100-120) words on one of the topics:
                                  a.  Ukrainian  Meals;
                                  b.  At the University  Canteen;
                                  c.  Healthy Food.

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