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P. 145

6.Listen to the text ”Vegetarians”. Translate it sentence by sentence. Discuss
                                                                              (From L.V.Sinko)

                                  The word ”vegetarian” was coined in about 1840 to mean people
                            who lived without killing for food, either for moral or health reasons, or
                            both.  But  the  practice  is  much  older  than  that.  Greek  philosophers
                            recommended vegetarianism and famous people who practised it in the
                            past  include  Leonardo  da  Vinci,  Tolstoy  and  Voltaire  Milton  and
                            Bernard Shaw. Surely this proves that mental activity does not depend
                            on flesh foods. What are the arguments that might stop us from eating
                                  Man's  body  is  more  like  those  of  fruit-eating  animals  than  like
                            those of flesh-eating animals. For millions of years man must have lived
                            on fruit, nuts and leaves and so developed a digestive system. Perhaps
                            the  more  we  move  away  from  this  diet  towards  meat-eating  the  less
                            likely  we are to be  healthy. Cancer, tuberculosis and heart disease are
                            certainly  more  common  in  meat-eating  communities.  Man  may  have
                            started eating the flesh of animals during the Ice Age when most of the
                            vegetation was destroyed.
                                  A  diet  of  vegetables,  fruit,  grains  and  nuts  together  with  a  few
                            dairy  products  can  give  us  all  the  vitamins  and  minerals  we  need.  By
                            eating meat we are getting the basic food elements secondhand after they
                            have been digested by the animal. It is worth considering how wasteful
                            meat-eaters are with land. A meat–eater needs about three times as much
                            land to support himself and his animals as vegetarian does.

                            7.Listen to the following jokes and render them.

                                  Two fat men are discussing various slimming diets.
                                   ”My wife has told me”, says one of them, ”that the best way is to
                            cut  out  potatoes  and  cakes.  I've  tried  it  only  to  put  on  five  pounds  of
                                  ”Then try my diet,” says the other, ”It's an onion diet,  I've
                            lost five pounds and twenty-five friends.”
                                  Cannibal Cook: Shall  I stew both those cooks we captured from
                            the steamer?
                                  Cannibal  King:  No,  one  is  enough.  Too  many  cooks  spoil  the

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