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Bossiney ventured: ”It's the first spring day”.
                                  Irene echoed softly: ”Yes - the first spring day”.
                                  ”Spring!” said June: ”there isn't breath on air!” No one replied.
                                  The  fish  was  taken  away,  a  fine  fresh  sole  from  Dover.  And  a
                            servant brought champagne, a bottle swathed the neck with white.
                                  Soames said, ”You'll find it dry”.
                                  Cutlets were handed. They were refused by June  and silence fell.
                                  Soames  said,  ”You'd  better  take  a  cutlet,  June,  there's  nothing
                                  But June  again refused, so they were taken away.
                                  Soames  was  speaking,  ”the  asparagus  is  very  pure.  Bossiney,  a
                            glass of sherry with your sweet? June, you're drinking nothing!”
                                  June said, ”You know, I never do. Wine's such horrid stuff!”
                                  An apple charlotte came upon a silver dish.
                                  ”Sugar, please”, June said.
                                  Sugar was handed  her, and Soames remarked, ”This  charlotte  is
                                  The charlotte  was removed. Long silence  followed.  Olives from
                            France  with  Russian  caviar  were  placed  on  little  plates.  And  Soames
                            remarked,”Why can't we have the Spanish?” But no one answered.
                                  The  olives  were  removed.  Lifting  her  tumbler,  June  demanded,
                            ”Give me some water, please”. Water was given her. A silver tray was
                            brought, with German plums. In perfect harmony all were eating them.
                                  Egyptian  cigarettes  were  handed  in  a  silver  box.  Brandy  was
                            handed; it was pale and old.
                                  Soames said, ”Bossiney, better take some brandy”. Bossiney took
                            a glass and they all rose ...

                            3.Listen to the story  by J.M.Ward. Dramatize it. Entitle the story.

                                                                                (After J.M. Ward)

                                  Susan and Peter got married in Rome where Peter was working as
                            a teacher at the Parker Institute. They lived in a nice room at the Ancony
                            Hotel and had their meals at the restaurant of the hotel. Some time later
                            Susan got an urgent telegram from her home in England which said that
                            her mother felt bad. So she had to fly to London.
                                  Today  she  was  to  come  back  and  Peter  was  waiting  for  her  at
                            Rome Airport. The plane landed with a short delay. Susan got off, went
                            through the Customs and Passport Control and came up to Peter.
                                  ”Hello,” she said, ”How are you?”

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