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served, the turnover,  advertising.

                            23.  Use  the  following  idiomatic  phrases  in  a)short  dialogues;  b)short

                            -   a  storm  in  a  tea-cup:  to  stew/fry  in  one's  own  juice;  in  apple-pie
                               order; in one's salad days; to bring smth/smb to a boil;
                            -   to quarrel with one's bread and butter; to pour oil on the waters; pie
                               in the sky; to promise milk and honey; the milk is split; to return to
                               one's  muttons;  to  rub  salt  into  smb's  wound;  to  be  all  sugar  and
                            -      to put the fat in the fire; to eat out of smb's hand; a hill of beans;
                               a fine kettle of fish; small beer; a bone in one's/smb's throat; to have
                               bread buttered on both sides; to be off one's onion; to eat a peck of
                               salt  with  smb;  to  make  a  meal  of  smth;  pigeon's  milk:  as  big  as
                               saucers; stuff today and starve tomorrow.

                            24. Comment on the following proverbs.

                            1.  Don't bite off more than you can chew.
                            2.  Honey is sweet but the bee stings.
                            3.  One man's meat is another man's poison.

                            25. Use the following proverbs in your own situations.

                            1.  Appetite comes with eating.
                            2.  His eyes are bigger than his stomach.
                            3.  Hope is a good breakfast, but a bad dinner.
                            4.  The kettle calls the pot black
                            5.  An apple a day keeps a doctor away, and an onion or garlic a day
                                will keep everyone away.

                                                Writing  Assignments

                            1. Divide the following text  into paragraphs.

                            In a large bowl, beat 3 large eggs, ¾ cup nonfat milk, and one 8-ounce
                            package of falafel mix. (falafel mix is a seasoned garbanzo meal that you
                            can find in your supermarket in the section for fancy foods.) In another
                            bowl, mix 1 pound of turkey sausage or ground turkey and a small (4-

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