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”Fine, And you?”
                                  ”Yes, I've rented a comfortable flat for us. I've been living there
                            for a week already. It is very close to the Anconi Hotel. Are you glad,
                                  ”Of course, I am, but I'm also afraid. You know I can't cook.”
                                  ”It's  all  right.  I'll  cook  our  meals.  And  we  won't  have  to  eat  at
                            home all the time. We can sometimes go to the Anconi restaurant and eat
                            out our favourite dishes there.”
                                  It  took  them  about  an  hour  to  get  from  the  airport  to  their  new
                                  ”Well, you have a look at the flat,” Peter said, ”and I'll cook our
                            lunch.  We  are  going  to  have  fried  meat,  if  you  don't  mind.  It  will  be
                            ready very quickly.” And he went to the kitchen. Soon Susan came in
                            and looked at the meat.
                                  ”It looks very nice, but why are you cooking it without butter?”
                                  ”Never mind,” Peter said. ”It'll cook itself. We can go and have
                            some beer.”
                                  In the room they sat down on the sofa and began to drink
                                  beer and exchange news. Some minutes later Susan asked, ”Don't
                            you think the meat can burn?”
                                  They came into the kitchen.
                                  ”It has burnt, after all,” Peter said.
                                  ”Have you ever cooked meat before?” Susan asked.
                                  ”As a matter of fact, I haven't':
                                  ”Neither  have  I,"  said  Susan.  ”You  know  what,  let's  go  to  the
                            Anconi restaurant. They serve delicious meat here.”

                            4. Listen to the story ”Mr Smith's Eating Habits”  and ask as many questions
                            as you can. Let your groupmates answer  them.

                                               Mr.Smith's Eating Habits

                                  Mr.Smith has either a small breakfast of juice, toast, and coffee or
                            a big breakfast of ham or bacon and eggs, toast and coffee. On weekends
                            Mrs.Smith tries to find time to make him waffles, pancakes, or French
                            toast with both butter and maple syrup.
                                  Mr. Smith  works in a large  office from 9 to 5.  At  10:30  every
                            morning he has a doughnut and coffee during the fifteen-minute ”coffee
                            break”.  He usually takes an hour for lunch at noon.  He goes to a coffee
                            shop and has soup and a ham and cheese  or roast beef sandwich  with

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