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P. 134

Fried chicken   Sweet potatoes   Ice cream      Milk
                             Sole            Baked beans     Fruit salad     Orange juice
                             Cod             Biscuits and    Chocolate pie   Pepsi


                             1.  You are in a Chinese restaurant. Ask the waiter to explain the items
                                 on the menu. Give him an order. Check the bill.
                             2.  You  are  inviting  your  friend  to  a  cocktail  party.  He  is  busy,  his
                                 excuses are very serious so he has to refuse though he would like to
                                 enjoy himself in the company of your friends whom he knows very
                             3.  You  are  going  to  entertain  three  of  your  fellow-students.  One  of
                                 them is a vegetarian. You are discussing a menu (with your sister,
                                 and parents).
                             4.  An  English  student  who  is  on  an  exchange  programme  in  your
                                 University is coming for dinner. You want to impress him. Plan a
                                 menu (with your brother, mother and grandparents).
                             5.  An English girl takes a keen interest in Ukrainian cooking. She has
                                 even  read  a  cookery  book.  She  showers  you  with  questions  and
                                 goes into different details. Help her. Give directions how to cook
                                 some traditional Ukrainian dishes. Explain all the items and terms
                                 she doesn't understand.
                             6.  Your friend is having his birthday party at a restaurant. Some of his
                                 guests  has  already  arrived.  Others  are  coming.  Two  of  them  are
                                 foreigners  You are  enjoying  your  meal and  your chat. Compile a
                                 polylogue for  4-5 people and role-play it. Here are some hints:

                             Girls are slow;                  to prefer ... to ...;
                             Better late than never;          I'm in favour of herring;
                             a  fault  confessed  is  half    herring doesn't agree with  me;
                             redressed;                       nothing  like  jellied  sturgeon  for
                             many happy returns of the day!;    an appetizer;
                             when  in  Rome  do  as  the      lobster salad is out of the question
                             Romans do;                       if you ask me;
                             the  women  are  dressed  to  the   let's start with green salads;
                             kill;                            you choose;
                             awfully  thirsty;  all  juices  are   all kinds of salads;
                             good for health;                 a great choice of soups;
                             what  shall  we  have  for  an   as hungry as a hunter;
                             some fish to begin with;

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