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P. 131

13.Comment on the table manners of Mrs. Thayer and Mr.Drake.


                                  ... But presently we were summoned downstairs to luncheon. I had
                            warned  Mrs,  Thayer  in  advance  and  Ben  was  served  with  coffee.  He
                            drinks it black.
                                  "Don't you take cream, Mr. Drake?"
                                  "No,  never.
                                  "But that's because you don't get good cream in New York,"
                                  "No.  It's  because I  don't like cream in coffee
                                  "You would like  our cream. We  have our own cows  and  the
                            cream   is so   rich   that   it's  almost  like  butter.  Won't   you   try just
                            a little?"
                                  "No,  thanks."
                                  "But Just a little, to see how rich it is."
                                    She poured about a tablespoon of cream into his coffee-cup and
                            for a second I was afraid he was going to pick up the cup and throw it in
                            her  face.  But  he  kept  hold  of  himself,  forced  a  smile  and  declined  a
                            second chop.
                                  "You haven't tasted your coffee," said Mrs. Thayer.
                                  "Yes,  I  have," lied Ben. "The cream is wonderful.  I'm sorry it
                            doesn't agree with me."
                                  "I  don't  believe  coffee  agrees  with  anyone,"  said  Mrs. Thayer.
                            "While you are here, not doing any work, why don't you try to give it
                                  "I'd be so irritable you wouldn't have me in the house. Besides, it
                            isn't plain coffee that disagrees with me; it's coffee with cream."
                                  "Pure, rich cream  like  ours couldn't  hurt you," said  Mrs.Thayer,
                            and Ben, defeated, refused to answer.
                                  He started to light a Jaguar cigaret, the brand he had been smoking
                            for years.
                                  "Here! Wait a minute!" said Mrs. Thayer. "Try one of mine."
                                  "What are they?" asked Ben.
                                  "Trumps," said our host, holding out his case. "They're mild and
                            won't irritate the throut."
                                  "I'll sample one later," said Ben.
                                  "You've simply got to try one now," said Mrs. Thayer. "You may
                            as well get used to them because you'll have to smoke them all the time

                              Друкується за виданням  Учебник английского языка. - М.: Высшая
                            школа. 1980

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