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When you don't like something don't automatically call it bad!

                            10.Recast the following  into a dialogue.

                                  And  what  about  the  food  people    Now, when so much of our food is
                             eat!    I  know  a  man  who  only  eats   de-natured,  raw  food  therapy  is
                             natural  foods;  he  takes  a  lot  of   coming  to  the  fore,  and  besides
                             vitamins,    I've  never  seen  anybody   being so much more healthful, can
                             who  looks  so  ill!    I  like  good  food   be very appetising.
                             and    I  think  most  healthy  food  is       Raw  carrots,  beetroots,  turnips,
                             really   tasteless.   For   example,  etc, should be eaten daily, and with
                             wholemeal bread tastes like sawdust  some finely chopped green peppers;
                             to me. I usually have toast and coffee  indeed   anything   from   the
                             for  breakfast  and  at  the  week-ends,  greengrocer's  will  make  a  good
                             when I have more time, I have bacon  meal.
                             and  eggs.  If    I  get  hungry  in  the       Mushrooms too are a very good
                             middle of the morning, I have a bar  protein. Add to all this some garlic
                             of  chocolate,  which  keeps  me  till  (a  natural  antibiotic),  some  raw
                             lunch,  then  for  lunch  I  take  a  sand-  green-stuff  such  as  lettuce,  water-
                             wich  (made  with  white  bread  of  cress,  even  dandelion  leaves  and
                             course) .  After  a  day's  work  in  the  you have the basis of a really tasty
                             office  I'm  pretty  hungry  and  in  the  and  health-giving  meal.  Any  herbs
                             evenings  I  like  a  big  meal  of  meat  can be sprinkled over the salad and
                             and  potatoes  and  a  bottle  of  a  dressing  of  lemon  juice  and
                             lemonade or beer.                vegetable oil, with a little sea-salt if
                                  My  ill-looking  friend  is horrified  desired,  and  you  will  feel  well  fed
                             by  what  I  eat.  He  says  my  food  and not stuffed, as one does with an
                             contains a lot of fat, polystyrene and  ordinary cooked meal.
                             other  dangerous  substances;  in       My  breakfast  is  a  piece  of
                             general, it is unhealthy.        wholemeal  bread  with  a  cup  of
                                                              herbal tea, and then for lunch I have
                                                              brown  rice  and  in  the  evenings  -
                                                              beans and a salad. I assure you: it's
                                                              very good for health.

                            11.Make up dialogues or situations using the following:

                            1.  To have dinner together; to join; to serve good meals; a non-smoking
                                section; to take smth as a starter; a menu; what about soup?; for the
                                main course; delicious; with ice; how much?

                            2.  To  have  a  bite;  a  self-service  cafe  (cafeteria);  to  wait;  to  be  in  a
                                hurry; to avoid the rush; to pick up a tray; a big and long counter; all
                                kinds of food; the prices; clearly marked; to afford; on the menu; to

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