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-   Well, you lead the way.
                             -   Any vegetables?
                             -   Some cauliflower, some corrugates and some French fries.
                             -   Would you see the wine list?
                             -   A half of cider and a pint of beer.
                             -   Would you like anything else?
                             -   Can we order that later?
                             -   Certainly, sir.

                                       2. Where Must I Go to Get Good Coffee?

                                                                       (From “Essential English”
                                                                             by Y.E. Eckersley)

                            Olaf    I had a breakfast this morning that I enjoyed very much:  cereal,
                                    bacon  and  eggs,  marmalade,  toast,  coffee.    I  think  there  is
                                    nothing like an English breakfast.
                            Lucille    No  bacon  and  eggs  in  the  morning  for  me,  thank  you.  My
                                    breakfast is always rolls and coffee.
                            Ereide    You can't drink English coffee, can you?
                            Lucllle    Luckily, at my hotel, there is a cook who is French, so  I can
                                    drink coffee.
                            Mr.     So you don't like English coffee?
                            Lucille   Oh, no! English people can't make good coffee.
                            Olaf    That's true. Their bacon their bread, their tea are always  good.
                                    Their coffee is always bad.
                            Mr.Priestl Where must  I go to get good coffee?
                            Lucille   Come to France; we always make good coffee there.
                            Jan     I like Polish coffee; our coffee is always good.
                            Olaf    Come and taste the  coffee that we  make  in Sweden.  There is
                                    none like it.
                            Feida   We make lovely coffee in Switzerland - coffee with thick cream
                                    in it .
                            Pedro   The  coffee  of  South  America  is  really  first-class.  Then  I  got
                                    some  Egyptian  coffee  in  Cairo  that    I  enjoyed  very  much,    I
                                    drank some good coffee in Turkey.  The Dutch know how to
                                    make coffee. It is always good in Portugal.
                            Mr.     And what about England?
                            Pedro   In England  I always drink tea.

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