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P. 107

-   She doesn't like milk, for example.
                             -   Does she like cocoa better?
                             -   No, she  likes neither cocoa nor tea. What she likes is chocolate.
                             -   Are you  a vegetarian?
                             -   No,  I'm  not.  Why?  I'm  sure  good  roast-beef  is  much  tastier  than
                                watery vegetables.
                             -   I  must  confess  I  like  good  food,  the  occasional    beer,  cheerful
                                people, and lively music.
                             -   Is   it  your  keep-fit   programme?
                             -   Yes,  it  is.  My  motto  is:  "Eat  at  pleasure,  drink  with  measure  and
                                enjoy life  as it is".
                             -   You  are not a fitness  fanatic, are you?
                             -   I’m  afraid I'm  not.

                             -   Where  are   the  napkins?
                             -   They're in the sideboard drawer. I always forget to put them  out.
                             -   Never mind. I'll  fetch them.
                             -   And take the stewed fruit from the fridge. I put it there to  cool.
                             -   OK.

                             -   I want you to help me clear the table.
                            -   What shall I do?
                             -   These plates, spoons ,  knives and forks must be taken to the kitchen.
                             -   What about the salt-cellar and mustard-pot?
                             -   Put them into the sideboard.
                            -   I've done all that. What else?
                             -   Take the table-cloth and fold it neatly. And then sweep the floor.
                             -   All right.

                             -    Don't   be   so   shy! Have another helping of fish.
                             -   No, thanks a  lot. I've had  too much already.
                             -   But  you've  hardly  eaten  anything.  What  else  shall  I  treat  you  to?
                                Help yourself to some more mushrooms then.
                             -   I    know they are  delicious, but I'm full. I  don't think  I  ought to.
                                Nothing  more!.
                             -   Please do. Just take them to please me.

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