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P. 105

-  Neither did Miriam.
                            Are you a tea-drinker? She is a light (heavy) eater.

                            2. Listen to the following dialogue. Intone and reproduce it.


                                                      (From "Linguaphone Conversational Course")

                             -   Is this table free, waiter?
                             -   I'm sorry, sir, this table has just been reserved by telephone, but that
                                one over there is free.
                             -   What a pity! We wanted to be near the dance floor. Still it doesn't
                                matter we'll take it . The menu, please.
                             -   Here you are, sir.
                             -   Well, let's see. What do you think, darling?
                             -   Oh, I don't want much to eat, I'm not very hungry...  I think I'll have
                                some soup and chops with chips.
                             -   But I am rather hungry.  I'll start with some appetizer.
                             -   And to follow?
                             -   A beefsteak with baked potatoes and peas.
                             -   Will you have -anything to drink?
                             -   Well, I am rather thirsty. Bring me half a pint of beer.

                                                                   (From Tune it to English, # 12)
                                  Waiter:    Hallo, please have a seat.
                                             What would you like to eat?
                                  Jill:      I think I’ll have the steak,
                                             And then for dessert some cake.
                                  Waiter:    Would you like it on a bun
                                             Medium, rare, perhaps, well done?
                                             With some string beans or some peas,
                                             Potatoes and salad and cheese?
                                  Jill:      I’d like my steak well done
                                             Served on a toasted bun
                                             I’d like some ketchup, too.
                                  Waiter:    I’ll fix it just right for you.
                                  Jill:      With some baked potatoes, please,
                                             Lots of string beans, lots of cheese.
                                             And the salad would be nice,

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