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P. 104

                            Have you ever tasted Mexican dishes? - Unfortunately, I haven't.
                            You haven't eaten up your soup. Has Ann had dinner yet? - I think she

                            Some Englishmen like "continental" breakfast of rolls and butter
                            and coffee, don't they?
                            The meat course is followed by a sweet dish, isn’t it?
                            We shall order a three-course dinner, shan't we?
                            We  can have stewed fruit, can't we?
                            Most Englishmen are not over-fond of soup, are they?
                            Soup doesn't  leave enough room for a meat course, does it?
                            You didn't order fish, did you?
                            She, isn't a heavy eater, is she?

                            Let's eat out today, shall we?
                            Let's order some peaches and cherries, shall we?
                            Bring me a napkin, will you?
                            Pass me the salt, please.
                            Will you pass me the salt, please?
                            Would you pass me the menu, please?
                            Can you make coffee?
                            Could you make coffee?
                            May I trouble you for a fork? May I have a fork please?
                            I wonder if I may trouble you for another helping?
                            Don't put the napkins in the drawer.
                            Let him take the stewed fruit from the fridge.
                            Don't let Lena eat ice cream.
                            Book a table for five at eight o'clock this coming Saturday.
                            Make a reservation for next Saturday night.

                            I'm hungry. - So am I.
                            I'll order a la carte. - So shall I. Mary is on a diet. - So is Eve.
                            I like fish. – So  does Jeff.
                            The  cake  was  delicious.  -  So  was  the  apple-pie.  She  is  not  thirsty.  -
                            Neither is he.
                            Steve has never tasted Chinese dishes.- Neither have I.
                            Emma didn't want to help me (to) set the table and wash up.

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