Page 52 - Міністерство освіти і науки України
P. 52
skies/the moon. 24. As pretty as a picture. 25. As handsome as a paint. 26. Not
to have a penny/ a sixpence/ a dime to bless oneself. 27. Not to have a shirt
(rag) to one’s back. 28. Not to know A from B. 29. To put spokes in one’s
wheel. 30. Pride goes (comes) before a fall/destruction. 31. To promise
mountains and marvels. 32. One fool makes many. 33. The voice of one is the
voice of none. 34. One step above the sublime makes the ridiculous. 35.On
Monday morning don’t be looking for Saturday night. 36. As pale as a corpse
(as ashes, death). 37. Let George do it.
Assignment 4
Asyndetic noun clusters and rendering their meaning into Ukrainian
Stage I
1. Suggest the Ukrainian for the following phrases:
асиндетичні іменникові словосполучення
синдетичний зв’язок
основні засоби зв’язку
атрибутне вживання іменника
бути бінарним за природою
складний іменник
скорочений іменник
початковий іменник-означення
послідовний порядок
зворотній порядок
структурні типи
багатокомпонентне іменникове словосполучення
стисла семантична природа
2. Explain the difference in the meaning of “compound” and
Stage II
1. Speak on the syndetic and asyndetic connection.
2. Explain the semantic nature of asyndetic noun cluster.
3. Give examples of various ways of translating ANC.
4. Think of the analytical and synthetical language structures.
Stage III
1. Define the structural form of the components in the two-componental
asyndetic substantival clusters below. Suggest the possible ways of
conveying their meaning into Ukrainian.