Page 31 - Міністерство освіти і науки України
P. 31
II Translating English verbals and verbal constructions
The ways of rendering the meanings of verbals are predetermined by such two
factors as the structural form of the verbal and the function of the verbal in the sentence.
A. Rendering of the English infinitive and its constructions.
It is usually not difficult to find a corresponding equivalent for the English single
infinitive in Ukrainian.
e.g. I`m very glad to have seen you again.
Я дуже радий, що зустрівся з вами знову.
At the same time to translate infinitival complexes we have to closely consider
available explicit and implicit grammatical characteristics of their own. Also, we have
to realize that we can speak only about the most common ways of translating of any
verbal constructions. Thus, the choice of the appropriate language unit substituting for
the objective-with-the-infinitive construction include the following:
1. Subordinate clause:
e.g. I saw him enter the room.
Я бачив, як він зайшов до кімнати.
2. Infinitive clause:
e.g. He ordered the cabman to drive on.
Він наказав кучерові їхати далі.
3. Objective infinitival word-group forming part of the compound modal verbal
e.g. He made me go into business.
Він змусив мене піти в бізнес.
4. Noun derived from the infinitive:
e.g. He heard the blackbird sing.
Він чув спів дрозда.
5. Simple verbal predicate:
e.g. The champagne and altitude made him sleep.
Від шампанського й висоти його хилило до сну.
The Subjective Infinitive Construction may be rendered in Ukrainian in the
following ways:
1. With the help of an indefinite personal sentence:
e.g. The inmates were ordered not to try to leave their wards.
В`язням наказали не робити спроб залишати камери.
2. With the help of an impersonal sentence having the passive verbal predicate in
-но, -то:
e.g. В`язням було наказано…
3. With the help of an object subordinate clause
e.g. В`язням наказали, щоб вони…
4. With the help of the one – member introductory indefinite personal sentence
followed by an object subordinate clause:
e.g. He was seen the first to come.