Page 32 - Міністерство освіти і науки України
P. 32

Бачили, що він прийшов першим.
                    5.  With  the  help  of  the  impersonal  -ся,  verbal  clause  introduced  by  the
                       conjunction як:
                    e.g. The rally was seen to be much smaller than had been expected.
                           Як виявилося, мітинг зібрав менше людей, ніж очікувалося.
                    Depending  on  the  function  and  on  the  voice  form  of  the  infinitive  the  for-to-
            infinitive  complex  may  have  different  equivalents  in  Ukrainian.  The  most  often
            occuring are:
                    1.  The Infinitive
                    e.g. For me to see you is the happiest minute in my life.
                           Побачити тебе – для мене найщасливіша мить у житті.
                    2.  A finite form of the verb
                    e.g. It is not for you to make terms.
                           Не ти ставиш умови.
                    3.  A subordinate clause
                    e.g. He stepped aside for me to pass.
                           Він відійшов в сторону, щоб я могла пройти.
                    B. Rendering of the English Participle and participial constructions.
                    English attributive present participles are translated into Ukrainian mostly with
            the  help  of  attributive  subordinate  clauses  or  sometimes  with  the  help  of  Ukrainian
            equivalents of the same nature.
                    e.g.  Troops  marching  under  the  rain  –  Bійськові  частини,  які  крокували  під
                           A turning point in my life – Поворотний пункт в моєму житті.
                    English attributive past participles, on the other hand, are mostly translated with
            the help of their morphological, lexical, and functional equivalents.
                    e.g. Many disappointed hearts – Hе одна розчарована душа.
                    When  translating  English  passive  participles  preference  is  given  to
                    e.g. Ashamed of our stupidity, he…
                           Зніяковівши від нашої нетямущості, він…
                    The  Objective  with  the  Participle  Constructions  (with  Participle  I)  may  be
            faithfully translated into Ukrainian in one of the following ways:
                    1.  With the help of the object subordinate clause introduced by the conjunction
                       що or by the adverbial connectors як, коли:
                    e.g. …he heard her moving about the room
                           …він чув, як вона ходила по кімнаті
                    2.  With  the  help  of  the  adverbial  subordinate  clauses  of  time  purpose,
                    e.g. I saw him last year coming across the square towards the bar.
                           Я бачив його минулого року, коли він переходив майдан до бару.
                    3.  With the help of a semantically equivalent noun word-group:
                    e.g. I heard someone weeping.

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