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"I wouldn't say that the bill infringe upon our rights," Khlystun
                            said. "I suppose that   this restriction is justified especially for a
                            mass-circulation news-paper like ours."
                                                                   BY VALENTYNA KOLESNYK
                                                                                                              ( FROM KYIV POST  )

                            1.  Learn the glossary.
                                the legislation (noun) - a law or set of laws.
                                a  bill  (noun)  –  a  written  proposal  for  a  new  law,  which  is
                                brought to a parliament so that it can be discussed.
                                to  pass  a  bill  –  to  officially  accept  a  law  or  proposal,
                                especially by voting
                                a  minor  amendment  -  a  small  change,  improvement,  or
                                addition that is made to a law or document.
                                to sign a bill/legislation/agreement into law
                                If someone in authority signs something into law, they make it
                                part of the law by signing an official document.
                                to figure somebody/something out – to think about a problem
                                or situation until you find the answer or understand what has
                                to abuse smth. - to deliberately use something for the wrong
                                purpose or for your own advantage
                                a violation – an action that breaks a law, agreement, principle
                                a prosecutor – a lawyer who is trying to prove in a court of
                                law that someone is guilty of a crime.
                                a provision – a condition in an agreement.

                            2.  Scan the text and give the gist of the article.

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