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4.  "The  workers  are  protected  now,"  says  an  Australian
                                   researcher,  Anita  Unger,  author  of  a  new  book,  "China's
                                   Workers Under Assault."
                                5.  According to  the government,  at  least  24  million  workers
                                   have  been  fired  from their  jobs  in  state-owned enterprises,
                                   which are quickly being transformed into private enterprises
                                   as the state sells off its shares.
                                6.  The  situation  may  only  get  worse,  some  workers  say,  if
                                   President Jiang Zemin has his way at the 16th Communist
                                   Party's Congress in November.
                                7.  Labor lawyers  do not want to see better laws so these poor
                                   workers and their families can be compensated.
                                8.  Then,  long  overtime  was  mostly  a  feature  of  export
                                   sweatshops rather than state-owned enterprises.
                                9.  Independent unions are legal in China.
                                10. For 23 days, Wang says, the police kept him in jail and beat
                                   him,  trying  to  extract  a  confession  until  the  official
                                   "Worker's Daily" ran a story on his plight.

                            7.  Choose the correct Ukrainian translation.
                                1.  But  as  state-owned  enterprises  become  private,  poor
                                   working  conditions  and  sudden  layoffs  are  increasingly
                                   common, analysts say.
                                   a)  Але  оскільки  підприємства  з  державною  формою
                                       правління  стали  приватними,  все  більш  звичними
                                       явищами  були  погані  умови  праці  та  несподіване
                                       скорочення виробництва, говорять аналітики.
                                   b)  Але  оскільки  колгоспи  з  державною  формою
                                       правління  ставатимуть  приватними,  все  більш
                                       звичними  явищами  будуть    погані  умови  праці  та
                                       несподіване  скорочення  виробництва,  вважають

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