Page 52 - 662
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"As long as party officials all support each other, how things
                                   for the workers will change for the better?" says Wang.
                                  5) Найбільш вразливими робітниками були мігранти з сіл,
                            яких і використовували на  іноземно-інвестованих фабриках,
                            що виробляли черевики, іграшки та одяг.
                                a)  The  most  vulnerable  workers  were  the  migrants  from  the
                                   villages  employed  in  foreign-invested  factories  making
                                   shoes, toys, and clothing.
                                b)  The  most  vulnerable  workers  are  the  migrants  from  the
                                   villages  employing  in  foreign-invested  factories  making
                                   shoes, toys, and clothing.
                                c)  The  vulnerablest  workers  were  the  migrants  from  the
                                   villages  who  were  employed  in  foreign-invested  factories
                                   making shoes, toys, and clothing.
                               6)      Пекінський         Проміжний          Суд      виніс
                            звинувачувальний вирок Вангу цього літа.
                                The Beijing Intermediate Court  has ruled against Wang .
                                The Beijing Intermediate Court ruled against Wang this summer.
                                The Beijing Court is ruling against Wang this summer.

                            6.  Choose the true statement.
                                1.  Rounding  up  20  of  his  workmates  at the  Harbin  Railway
                                   Bureau  in  the  northern  Heilongjiang  Province,  Mr.  Wang
                                   organized  a  peaceful  protest  against  17-hour  shifts  and
                                   dangerous work conditions - and promptly lost his Job.
                                2.  Today, he has job but he is still deep in a prolonged lawsuit
                                   against the state-run Harbin Railway Bureau.
                                3.  For more than 80 years, China's Communist Party considered
                                   itself  the  vanguard  of  the  proletariat,  its  80  million  state
                                   employees  guaranteed  jobs  for  life  and  a  cradle-to-grave
                                   welfare system.

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