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P. 49

He is now appealing to China's Supreme Court, hoping to
                            set a  legal precedent and ensure that China's rudimentary  labor
                            laws apply to railway workers too. "I am disappointed but I am not
                            giving up," he says.
                                                                         (From Monitor world)

                            1.  Learn the glossary.
                                bureau  –  an  office  or  organization  that  provides
                                information on a particular subject/
                                lawsuit  –  a  claim  or  complaint  against  smb.  that  a
                                person  or  an  organization  can  make  in  a  court  of
                                the  proletariat  –  the  class  of  ordinary  people  who
                                earn  money  by  working,  especially  those    who  do
                                not own property.
                                congress  –  a  large  formal  meeting  or  series  of
                                meetings  where  representatives  from  different
                                groups discuss ideas, make decisions, etc.
                                overtime  – time that you spend working at your job
                                after you have worked the normal hours.
                                layoff  –  an  act  of  making  people  unemployed
                                because there is no more work left for them to do.
                                ministry  –  a  government  department  that  has  a
                                particular area of responsibility.
                                legal-aid  –  money  that  is  given  by  the  government
                                or  another  organization  to  smb.  who  needs  help  to
                                pay for legal advice or a lawyer.

                            2.  Scan the text and give the gist of the article.

                            3.  Reproduce the situation in which the following is used. Translate
                                into Ukrainian

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