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P. 51

a)  But some workers have feared that such a move would
                                       further distance the party from their interests.
                                   b)  But some workers are afraid of such a move which will
                                       further distance the party from their interests.
                                   c)  But some workers fear that such a move would further
                                       distance the party from their interests.
                                2) Він і далі без роботи і  при цьому судиться, в тривалому
                                процесі, з Державним  Харбінським Залізничним Бюро.
                                   Нe has been out of work and deep in a prolonged lawsuit
                                       against the state-run Harbin Railway Bureau.
                                   Нe  is  still  out  of  work  and  deep  in  a  prolonged  lawsuit
                                       against the state-run Harbin Railway Bureau.
                                   Нe  is  being  still  out  of  work  and  deep  in  a  prolonged
                                       lawsuit with the state-run Harbin Railway Bureau.
                                3)  Деякі  робочі  говорять,  що  ситуація  може  лише
                                погіршитися,      якщо      президент      Джианг      Земін
                                притримуватиметься свого шляху на Шістнадцятому Зїзді
                                Комуністичної Партії в листопаді.
                                a)  The situation may only gets worse, some workers speak up,
                                   if  President  Jiang  Zemin  has  his  way  at  the  16th
                                   Communist Party's Congress in November."
                                b)  The situation could only  become worse, some workers say,
                                   if  President  Jiang  Zemin  has  his  way  at  the  16th
                                   Communist Party's Congress in November."
                                c)  The  situation  may  only  get  worse,  some  workers  say,  if
                                   President Jiang Zemin has his way at the 16th Communist
                                   Party's Congress in November."
                                4) «Поки офіційні особи партії підтримують одне одного,
                                як відбудуться  зміни на краще для робітників?» говорить
                                "As long as party officials all supported each other, how would
                                   things for the workers change for the better?" says Wang.
                                "As long as party officials all support the same programs, how
                                   will program change for the better?" says Wang.

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