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Pechersk three years ago. The company has struggled to find enough
                            work  and  inspiration,  so  Salvato's  arrival  in  Kyiv  has  been  a
                            With no permanent stage as yet, the troupe survives by performing as
                            many plays per month as they can, hoping to gain enough exposure
                            and success to one day have their own space.
                                  One  facet  of  the  Italian  style  that  should  contribute  to  its
                            success in Ukraine is the welcoming of the spectator into the play
                            from the moment they cross the threshold. For example, before a
                            staging  of  "Casanova's  Adventures"  a  single  women's  shoe  is
                            placed on the theater's stairs to invite the audience  in as part of
                            the performance. Such visuals add mystery and set the mood before
                            the curtain ever goes up.
                                  Salvato is sure of the huge potential for experimental theater
                            in Ukraine and he hopes to return to Kyiv soon, as long as enough
                            financial support is in place.
                                  "Ukrainian theater needs big changes and cultural revolution,
                            which  [should  be  the  primary  responsibility  of  a  government
                            pursuing its goal to join the EU," Salvato said.
                                                                   By JULIA FILIPPOVSKAYA
                                                                               From Kyiv Post

                             1. Learn the glossary.
                            Rehearsal – a period or a particular occasion when all the people
                            in a play practice it before a public performance;
                            To be fluid – to be likely to change very often;
                            Inspiration  –  a  sudden  good  idea  about  what  you  should  do or
                            Godsend – something good that happens to youwhen you  really
                            need it;
                            Facet – one of several parts of someone’s character, a situation,

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