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An evening at the improved, Italian style
                            Italian  theater  director  Sebastiano  Salvato  brings  his  new  'cultural
                            revolution  to  Kyiv.  The  twenty  -  something  energized  and
                            determined  actors  from  The  New  Theater  on  Pechersk  have
                            conceived  of  revolution  since  their  formation,  but  until  last  year,
                            lacked the leadership to make any moves.
                                  Now, thanks in part to the Italian Institute of Culture, Sicilian -
                            born director Sebastiano Maria Salvato has come to town to lead the
                            group in a new direction – a direction which is revolutionary for
                            Kyiv's  somewhat  stagnant  and  closed  -  minder  theatrical
                                  Salvato brings with him to Ukraine an explosion of fresh air in
                            the form of a multi - cultural perspective.
                                  "The world changes in a turbulent way," he said via e - mail.
                            "Theater ages as people do, and both should keep open, willing to see
                            the  modern  world  as  it  is  with  its  various  aesthetic  and  cultural
                            traditions from diverse countries. Otherwise, an actor will be locked
                            up  inside  his/her  own  cultural  province  and  will  be  doomed  as
                            to death."
                                  Based in Rome, the 42 - year - old Salvato has maintained a
                            youthful appearance and spirit by roving around the world, working
                            for  one  -  stop  theater  projects  in  Crete,  Cyprus,  Argentina,
                            Uzbekistan and now, Ukraine. His mission: to bring Italian culture
                            to countries hungry for experimental, living theater.
                                  In Salvato's case, this  means a traditional Italian theatrical
                            style  called  commedia  dell'arte  (comedy  of  art).  In  this  type  of
                            theater, actors do not work from a written script. Performances are
                            based instead on an outlined scenario, around which actors weave
                            improvised     sequences,    comic     routines    called   lazzi
                            (jests)  and  a  few  previously  -  memorized  monologues.
                            Commedia  dell’arte  heralded  the  first  truly  professional  actors  in
                            Europe and, after opera, is considered Italy's greatest contribution to
                            the  Renaissance  theater  tradition.  It  originated  in  the  mid  -  15

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