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P. 150

6. Choose the correct English translation.
                            1)  Оформлення  французьке,  але  обслуговування  все  ще
                            можливо радянське.
                                a)  The decorations are French but the catering must be Soviet.
                                b)  The decor is French but the service may still be Soviet
                                c)  The décor came from France but the service came from the
                                   Soviet republic
                            2) Він сказав, що сьогодні він, ймовірно, був би вчителем.
                                a)  He said that he would have been a teacher then
                                b)  He said he must have been a teacher today
                                c)  He said that he’d likely be a teacher today.
                            3) Було важко визначити, чи посол жартував, чи просто робив
                            історичні спостереження.
                                It was difficult to talk to the ambassador if he was joking or
                                   simply making a historical observation.
                                It  was  difficult  to  decipher  if  the  ambassador  was  joking  or
                                   simply making a historical observation.
                                It  was  difficult  to  decipher  if  the  ambassador  was  joking  or
                                   simply observing history.
                            4)  Перебуваючи  на  своїй  посаді,  Гербст  цікавиться
                            культурним  життям  країни,  але  він  відзначив,  що  Київ
                            запропонував особливу приємну перевагу.
                                a)  During  his  postings,  Herbst  takes  an  interest  in  each
                                   country's cultural life, but said that Kyiv offered a special
                                   and affordable advantage.
                                b)  During  his  postings,  Herbst  took  an  interest  in  each
                                   country's  cultural  life,  but  said  that  Kyiv  offers  a  special
                                   and affordable advantage.
                                c)  Within  his  postings,  Herbst  takes  an  interest  in  each
                                   country's  cultural  life,  but  said  that  Kyiv  had  offered  a
                                   special and affordable advantage.

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