Page 149 - 662
P. 149

3.  How does John E. Herbst look like?
                                4.  What’s his hobby in Ukraine?
                                5.  What makes John E. Herbst and his suns alike?
                                6.  How  were  his  preferables  as  for  his  carrier  changing
                                   through his life?
                                7.  Was catering in the café good?
                                8.  What was Herbst’s previous hosting?
                                9.  Did he like Ukrainian cultural life?
                                10. What celebration is special to Herbst?

                            4. Choose the correct statemement.
                                1.  John  E.  Herbst  and  his  press  secretary  arrived  for  lunch
                                2.  Career  diplomats  who  become  ambassadors  are  used  to
                                   working a lot.
                                3.  The  lunch  followed  a  meeting  with  Ukrainian  President
                                   Leonid Kuchma.
                                4.  The ambassador being very busy often ignores his family.
                                5.  When  John  E.  Herbst  was  at  high  school  he  wanted  to
                                   become a diplomat.
                                6.  Herbst used to work in Russia.
                                7.  Herbst complained to the interwiever of a bad service at the
                                8.  He  hopes  to  continue  the  custom  of  playing.  American
                                   football game in Ukraine.
                                9.  Herbst ordered some salad and a cup of coffee for lunch.
                                10. He has to walk to his work.

                            5. Reproduce the situation in which the following is used.
                                       1)  a pick-up game
                                       2)  to have some spare time
                                       3)  to arrive promptly for smth.
                                       4)  to run on a full schedule
                                       5)  to set off for smth.

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