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P. 148

holds tan American football game before sharing his turkey dinner
                            with a number of friends and, of course, his large family.
                                  ‘It will be a pick-up game and everyone who wants to come
                            and play is welcome,’ Herbst said.
                                  In Jerusalem more than 100 people showed up for the game
                            of  pick-up.  In  Tashkent  there  were  between  40  and  50  football
                            players  and  fans.  It’s  a  tradition  that  he  brings  with  him  from
                            posting to posting, and he’s hoping to continue the custom here in
                                  On this particular day, though, he was concentrating on his
                            meeting with the president, followed by the Iftaar dinner with 200
                            Muslim leaders from across Eastern Europe.
                                  After  finishing  his salad,  Ambassador Herbst stood up and
                            politely  excused  himself.  In  moments  he  disappeared  down  the
                            vaulted entranceway that leads out into the street, where his driver
                            was waiting to take him to his next appointment.
                                                                          (From   Kyiv post)
                            1. Learn the glossary.
                            To inherit – to receive money, property, etc. from someone after
                            they have died
                            Unflinching tone – not changing or becoming weaker, even in a
                            very difficult situation, tone
                            Ambassador  –  an  important  official  who  represents  his  or  her
                            government in a foreign country
                            To be reserved – to be unwilling to express your emotions or talk
                            about your problems

                            2. Scan the text and give the gist of the article.

                            3. Answer the following questions.
                                1.  Where did the interviewer and the American Ambassador
                                2.  Does the ambassador have a family?

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