Page 143 - 662
P. 143
c. На даний час, якщо судова справа у середній школі
завершилася успішно, вони стали думати краще
про це.
8. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian.
1. Now if test case against the secondary school in Kryvy Rih
is successful, they may think better of it.
2. Usually cleaning duties are reserved until after classes but
sometimes they replace lessons.
3. Yury Kasyanyk complained to the school’s director
demanding his son to be exempted from cleaning duties.
4. The law prohibits school from replacing scheduled classes
with other activities.
5. Children often find used syringes and needles with dried
blood when cleaning the school territory.
6. The Kosyanyk’s are Jewish and they are also complaining
that the school is infringing on their cultural traditions.
7. Yakimenko pointed out that Ukrainian has joined the
European Convention on education.
8. According to Yakomenko the lawsuit filed against the
school on Dec 16.
9. The Kasyanik’s are demanding Hr 6.200 in punitive
10. The father is angry that their child has to clean the school
and comes dirty afternoons.
9. Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Учителі в українських школах не мали нічого проти
того, щоб затримувати своїх учнів після занять для
2. Прибирання в школі є старою радянською традицією,
яка все ще широко поширена у вітчизняних державних