Page 138 - 662
P. 138

b.  When  educating  children  school  should  respect  their
                                       parents’ beliefs and religion
                                   c.  When  educating  children  school  had  to  respect  their
                                       parents’ beliefs and religion
                                4.  Закон забороняє школам заміняти програмне навчання
                                   іншою діяльністю.
                                   a.  The  law  prohibits  school  from  replacing  scheduled
                                       classes with other activities
                                   b.  The law prohibits school of replacing scheduled classes
                                       to other activities
                                   c.  The  law  has prohibited school of replacing scheduled
                                       classes on other activities
                                5.  Прибирання в школі  є старою радянською традицією,
                                   яка все ще широко поширена у вітчизняних державних
                                   a.  Cleaning the school is an old Soviet tradition that is not
                                       widespread in the nation’s public school.
                                   b.  Cleaning the school was an old Soviet habit that is not
                                       widespread in the nation’s public school.
                                   c.  Cleaning  the  school  is  an  old  Soviet  tradition  that  is
                                       still widespread in the state public school.
                                6.  Юрій  Касяник  поскаржився  на  директора  школи,
                                   вимагаючи, щоб його син був звільнений від обов’язків
                                   a.  Yury  Kasyany  complained  to  the  school’s  director
                                       demanding his son to be quitted from cleaning duties
                                   b.  Yury  Kasyany  talked  to  the  school’s  director
                                       demanding his son to be exempted from cleaning duties
                                   c.  Yury  Kasyany  complained  to  the  school’s  director
                                       demanding his son to be exempted from cleaning duties
                                7.  Сім’я  Касяник  живе  в  одному  із  найгірших  районів
                                   Кривого Рогу
                                   a.  The Kasyaniks  are living in the worst district of Kryvy

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