Page 139 - 662
P. 139
b. The Kasyaniks is living in the best district of Kryvy
c. The Kasyaniks’ lives in the one of worst district of
Kryvy Rih
8. Існує декілька аспектів, над якими ми могли б
продовжувати працювати
a. There were some aspects we could work on
b. There are several aspects we could work on
c. There are few aspects we can work on
9. За іншими віруваннями дитина є чистою, і відповідно
до цього треба ставитися до неї.
a. With other beliefs the child is pure and must be treated
b. According to other beliefs the child is pure and must be
treated accordingly
c. According to their belief the child is pure and should be
treated accordingly
10. Закон забороняє школярам заміняти уроки в розкладі
іншими заняттями
a. The law prohibits schools from engaging children in
activities unrelated to study after classes.
b. The law prohibits schools from occupying children in
activities related to study after classes.
c. The law prohibited schools from engaging children in
activities unrelated to study behind classes.
6. Choose the true statement.
1. Volodymyr Kasyanyk is an eight - year old pupil in the
second grade at Kryvy Rih Scholl No 84.
2. Cleaning the school is an old Soviet tradition that is not
widespread in the nation’s public school.
3. The teachers at School No 84 think that picking up litter
from the school ground is a normal part of educational