Page 137 - 662
P. 137
1. What do Ukrainian teachers traditionally think of keeping
pupils behind classes?
2. What tradition used to be spread in Soviet schools?
3. Why have the pupil and his father filed a lawsuit against
the school?
4. Who usually does cleaning duties at school?
5. What do teachers think about picking up litter from the
school grounds?
6. What does the law prohibit schools from?
7. What district do the Kasyanyk family live in?
8. What do children find when cleaning the school territory?
9. Can the children be engaged in activities unrelated to study
after classes? What is your opinion?
10. What does the European convention on Education say
about educating children?
5. Choose the correct English translation.
1. Учителі в українських школах традиційно не мали
нічого проти того, щоб затримувати своїх учнів після
занять для прибирання.
a. Ukrainian teachers had nothing of keeping their pupils
behind before classes.
b. Ukrainian teachers have nothing to do with keeping
pupils to clean up school.
c. Ukrainian teachers have traditionally thought nothing
of keeping their pupils behind after classes to clean.
2. Цей судовий розгляд є першим свого роду в Україні.
a. It was the first lawsuit in Ukraine like this.
b. It is the only lawsuit in Ukraine a kind of.
c. It is not that kind of Ukrainian lawsuit.
3. Виховуючи дітей, школі слід поважати релігійні
вірування і переконання батьків
a. Educating children school must respect their parents’
beliefs and religion