Page 136 - 662
P. 136

                            1.  Learn the glossary.
                                Prohibit – formal to make something impossible or prevent it
                                from happening
                                Unemployment – the number of people in a particular country
                                or area who cannot get a job
                                Director – someone who is in charge of a particular activity or
                                an organization
                                Reserve – to arrange for a place in a hotel, restaurant, plane
                                etc. to be kept for you to use a particular – time in the future
                                Multinational  –  involving  people  from  several  countries;  a
                                multinational  company  has  factories,  offices  and  business
                                activities in many different countries
                                Demand  –  to  ask  for  something  very  firmly,  especially
                                because you think you have a right to do this
                                Lawyer – someone whose job is to advise people about laws,
                                write formal agreement or represent people in court

                            2.  Scan the text and give the gist of the article.

                            3.  Reproduce  the  situation  in  which  the  following  is  used.
                                1.  to  inculcate  children  with  habits  of  diligence  and  respect
                                   for nature
                                2.  to engage children in activities unrelated to study
                                3.  to keep the pupils behind after classes
                                4.  to perform cleaning duties
                                5.  to respect their parents’ beliefs and religion
                                6.  crime and drug addiction
                                7.  to file a lawsuit against the school
                                8.  punitive damages.

                            4.  Answer the following questions.

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