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ТЕМА 5. Lesson 2. Speech by Putin in Davos. Part 2
Answer the following question
1. Explain the following in terms of simultaneous interpreting whispering interpreters, conversation
interpreters, court interpreters, conference interpreters.
Practical task
Lesson 2. Speech by Putin in Davos. Part 2. Exercise 2
1. Do exercise 2 from Lesson 2. Practise interpreting the speech simultaneously from English into
Ukrainian and vice versa.
2. Learn active vocabulary for the dictation.
3. Learn the suggested abstract by heart.
На жаль, завищені очікування існували не тільки в бізнес-середовищі. Вони задавали швидке
зростання стандартів особистого споживання, насамперед, в розвинених країнах. Зростання, яке - і це
потрібно відкрито визнати - не було підкріплене реальними можливостями. Це було не зароблене
благополуччя, а благополуччя в борг, за рахунок майбутніх поколінь. Вся ця "піраміда очікувань"
повинна була рано чи пізно впасти, що, власне, і відбувається на наших очах.
ТЕМА 6. Lesson 2. Speech by Putin in Davos. Part 3
Answer the following questions
1. What is conference interpreting?
Practical task
Lesson 2. Speech by Putin in Davos. Part 3. Exercise 3
1. Do exercise 3 from Lesson 2. Practise interpreting the speech simultaneously from English into
Ukrainian and vice versa.
2. Learn active vocabulary for the dictation.
3. Learn the suggested abstract by heart.
I would only like to remind you that only a year ago, from this rostrum, we heard the words of American
representatives about the fundamental stability and cloudless prospects of the US economy. But today, the pride
of Wall Street – the investment banks – have practically stopped existing. For the past year, they have had to
acknowledge losses far exceeding their profits for the past quarter of a century. This example alone reflects the
real state of affairs better than any criticism.