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ТЕМА 1. Lesson 1. Amory Lovins on winning the oil endgame. Part 1

             Answer the following questions

             1.  What is simultaneous interpreting?

             Practical task

             Lesson 1. Amory Lovins on winning the oil endgame. Part 1. Exercise 1

             1.     Do exercise 1 from Lesson 1. Practise interpreting the speech simultaneously from English into
      Ukrainian and vice versa.
             2.  Learn active vocabulary for the dictation.
             3.  Learn the suggested abstract by heart.

             The  old  story  about  climate  protection  is  that  it's  costly,  or  it  would  have  been  done  already.  So
      government needs to make us do something painful to fix it. The new story about climate protection is that it's
      not costly, but profitable. This was a simple sign error, because it's cheaper to save fuel than to buy fuel, as is
      well known to companies that do it all the time -- for example, Dupont, SD micro electronics. Many other firms -
      - IBM -- are reducing their energy intensity routinely six percent a year by fixing up their plants, and they get
      their money back in two or three years. That's called a profit.

                         ТЕМА 2. Lesson 1. Amory Lovins on winning the oil endgame. Part 2

             Answer the following questions

             1.  When and where was simultaneous interpretation first used?
             2.  When and where was simultaneous interpretation introduced to general public?

                 Practical task

             Lesson 1. Amory Lovins on winning the oil endgame. Part 2. Exercise 2

             1.     Do exercise 2 from Lesson 1. Practise interpreting the speech simultaneously from English into
      Ukrainian and vice versa.
             2.  Learn active vocabulary for the dictation.
             3.  Learn the suggested abstract by heart.

             And  it's  funny  –  it  feels  a  bit  like  this  now  for  oil.  We've  been  spending  the  last  few  decades
      accumulating  a  very  powerful  backlog  of  technologies  for  saving  and  substituting  for  oil,  and  no  one  had
      bothered to add them up before. So when we did, we found some very surprising things. Now, there are two big
      reasons  to  be  concerned  about  oil.  Both  national  competitiveness  and  national  security  are  at  risk.  On  the
      competitiveness front, we all know that Toyota has more market cap than the big three put together.

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