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The terminology of geology consists of basic terms such as
amber (бурштин), ash (попіл), clay (глина). It has borrowed
terms from geochemistry (geochemical diagram), hydrology
(surface drainage (зовнішній дренаж), penetrability
(проникність)), volcanology (ejection (виверження лави),
mineralogy (clouded agate (хмарний агат), margarite
(маргарит)), petroleum engineering (bitumen (бітумний
матеріал), gas factor (газовмісткість нафти)), tectonics
(continental margin (підводний край материка), continental drift
(горизонтальне переміщення континентів)), geophysics
(astronomical refraction (астрономічна рекреація), body wave
(об’ємна хвиля)). It also has highly specialized terms: capping
(пусті породи), cohesive soil (зв’язаний ґрунт), fragipan
(потовщений горизонт), soil binder (стабілізатор ґрунту).
3.3 Semantic Processes in Terminology
During the whole period of its existence, every language,
including professional one, undergoes continuous changes. The
repeatability of certain processes has allowed linguists to highlight
specific patterns of language development, such as the adaptive,
open nature of terminological systems so we should speak about
such processes as terminologisation, transterminologisation and
determinoilogisation. The transition of general words into
terminology and vice versa is a never-ending process. The fact of
constant contact between terminology and common language is
proven by numerous practical researches. In general, the process of
bringing general lexicon into a professional language is called
terminologisation. Linguists stress the important role of this
process among other ways of creating terms, because the general
language is a constant source of enlarging professional units stock.
So we single out two types of terminologisation: specialization and
semantic transfer.
The specialization of general word or functional transfer
means that terms are brought into terminological system without