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neologists, language planners and information scientists must be
both specialists in language, information and documentation and in
an appropriate subject field. Their work consists of compilation,
description, processing and creation of terms
However, with the introduction into the Slavonic languages
the nomination "термінознавство", that denotes the science of
professional languages, the notion "термінологія" has begun
refering to only the unity of the nominations of a professional
language. But in the English speaking countries for the Ukrainian
word "термінознавство" they use a word combination
"terminology science", for the word "термінологія" –
For a long time the nomination "terminology" and
"terminological system" functioned as synonyms. In the 70s of the
twentieth century, in the so-called boom of terminologies, the
discussion concerning the coexistence of these concepts was
launched. There are two points of view.
According to the first point any terminology is called a
terminological system by the representatives of prescriptive
terminology school. No industry or technology, no branch of
science or management can have a random nonrelated and
nonorganized cluster of terms because in any sphere objects and
their features are correlated and linked, systematically organized in
the concepts of this sphere. The terminology is a system primarily
because the world is the system. And terminology reflects this
world. That’s why nowadays it is more common to differentiate
notions "terminology" and "terminological system"
According to the second point the difference between the
concepts "terminology"–"terminological system" was offered by
descriptive terminologists. These scientists believe that a
terminology is a non-ordered set of terms whereas a terminological
system is an ordered, standardized organization of terms of certain
areas of science or production. The terminology requires