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P. 83

The adversative compound sentence

                                   This type of sentence connection is rendered with the help
                            of conjunctions а, але, та (але), так, зате, проте, однак, все
                            ж and others in Ukrainian; but, while, whereas, or as well as with
                            the help of connective adverbs (сполучні прислівники) yet, still,
                            nevertheless, however, otherwise in English.
                                   The main expression of such relations between sentences is
                            performed in English by the conjunction but. In Ukrainian it has
                            as  its  correspondence  the  conjunction  але.  Both  these
                            conjunctions are used in the following main meanings:
                                    1) the limiting meaning (обмежувальне значення), when
                            the idea expressed in the second part of the compound sentence
                            limits the possibility of happening of some event expressed by the
                            first  part  of  the  sentence,  or  altogether  interrupts  this  action.
                            Compare: He said he would stay quiet in the hall, but he simply
                            couldn't any more (J. Galsworthy). Він міг би залишитися, але
                            йому не вистачало мужності;
                                    2)  the  concessive  meaning  (допустове  значення),  when
                            in the second part of the sentence the expressed idea is opposite to
                            what is expected on the basis of mentioned in the first part ideas.
                            Compare: Twilight gave place to night, but he didn't turn on the
                            light (H. Wells). Стемніло, але він не засвітив лампи;
                                    3)  the  relative  meaning  (відносне  значення),  when  the
                            second part explains one of members of the first part or the whole
                            of it. Compare: Some people likened him to a direction post..., but
                            these  were  his  enemies  (Ch.  Dickens).  Противник  кинувся  до
                            апаратів, але вони мовчали.
                                   In  Ukrainian  besides  але  there  is  also  widely  used  the
                            adversative conjunction a. It has more shades of meaning than the
                            conjunction але, e.g.:
                                  1)  contrasting  (протиставлення):  І  на  оновленій  землі
                            врага не буде, супостата, а буде син, і буде мати, і будуть
                            люди на землі (Т. Шевченко);

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