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example: Як ти чоловік, так і я чоловік (А. Тесленко) Both he
                            will соте there, and I will call on them.

                                          The disjunctive compound sentence

                                   The disjunctive compound sentences are joined in English
                            with the help of the conjunctions or, either ... or, and in Ukrainian
                            — або; або ...або; чи; чи ...чи; то ...то; не то ... не то; чи
                            то ... чи то
                            and  others.  In  both  languages  the  connection  between  parts  of
                            such a sentence is very close; if there is omitted one part of such a
                            sentence, the other will lose its sense, e.g.:
                                   The  boy's  wife  might  have  died;  or  he  might  have  come
                            back and said, «Father, I have sinned» (W. Thackerey).
                                   Чи  підпалено,  чи  може  самі  необережними  були  (М.
                                   In  Ukrainian  the  number  of  disjunctive  conjunctions  is  a
                            bigger one than in English, but the most spread of them are the
                            conjunctions  або  and  чи.  The  conjunction  або  has  the  most
                            general  meaning,  pointing  towards  the  separation  of  things  or
                            ideas,  whereas  the  conjunction  чи  is  derived  from  the
                            interrogative  particle  and  that  is  why  it  retains  the  interrogative
                            shade of meaning. Compare:          Раптом      хурчав     авто-
                            мобільний  мотор,  або  сурмив  клаксон  (Ю.  Смолич).  Часом
                            качка  в  повітрі  дзвенить,  чи  кажан  проти  місяця  грає  (М.
                                   The double conjunctions або ...або; чи ...чи; то ...то; не
                            то ... не то; чи то ...чи то denote the separation in the facts
                            alternation  (To  ми  до  них  ходили,  то  вони  до  нас.  —  (Ю.
                            Корнійчук)).  The  conjunction  не  то  ...  не  то  renders
                            simultaneously doubt and hesitation: He то осінні води шуміли,
                            збігаючи в Дунай, не то вітер бився в заломах провалля (М.

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