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the categories of gender and case and is coordinated in the form
with the noun it precedes regarding its gender, number and case.
1. Its peculiar combinability partly resembling that of the
verb 9the participle is associated with adverbs, with nouns and
pronouns denoting the object of the action), and partly that of the
adjective (it modifies nouns) and of the adverb ( it modifies verbs).
The adjectival and the adverbial features of the participle are
connected with its combinability.
English participles like those of Ukrainian and other
languages may sometimes develop into adjectives, as in standing
water – стояча вода, charming woman – чаруюча жінка. They
may also develop into nouns, as in the wounded – поранений.
Both adjectivization and substantiations involve the change of
combinability and function that is they are cases of conversion;
2. Its most characteristic syntactical functions of attribute,
adverbial complement, etc.
Ukrainian дієприслівник
Дієприслівник (or in transliteration “diyepryslivnyk”) is
the peculiar Ukrainian verbid combining the features of the verb
and the adverb. It points towards some additional action and
explains the main one, expressed by the finite verb (Він ішов собі,
похнюпившись, тихо відміряючи крок за кроком). Thus it is
characterized by the following features:
1) its lexico-grammatical meaning of the “character or
quality of some action”;
2) its typical stem-building elements depend upon the type
of diyepryslivnyk;
3) diyepryslivnyk is the indeclinable word similar to
adverb. It has common with the verb grammatical categories of
tense, aspect and state.