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Absolute universals (абсолютні/ повні універсалії) i.e.
features or phenomena of a language level pertaining to any
language of the world (cf. vowels and consonants, word stress and
utterance stress, intonation, parts of the sentence, etc.).
Near universals (неповні/ часткові універсалії) i.e.
features or phenomena common in many or some languages under
typological investigation. Metalanguage (метамова), is the
language in which the actual presentation/ analysis of different
features/ phenomena of the contrasted languages is carried out.
Typologically dominant features (типологічні домінанти)
are features or phenomena dominating at a language level or in the
structure of one/ some of the contrasted languages. Dominant in
present-day English are known to be analytical means: rigid word
order in word groups and sentences, the prominent role of
prepositions and placement as means of connection and expression
of case relations and syntactic functions (cf. books for my friend,
books to my friends, books by my friends; A nice flower – nice
flowers, Peter came – Mary came), etc. The change of placement of
the part of the sentence may completely change its sense. Cf. The
hunter killed the hare – The hare killed the hunter. In Ukrainian the
change of placement of the main part of the sentence does not
change the meaning of the sentence, as in this same sentence:
Мисливець застрілив зайця or Зайця застрілив мисливець. In
Ukrainian everything is just on the contrary: case, gender and
number categories are expressed by means of inflexions: братові
книжки, братових книжок; він співав – вона співала, дитя
співало; червона квітка – червоні – квітки. There is abundance
of synthetic and analytical or synthetic and analytical government
(кликати Марію/ Петра; кликати до вечері/ до столу; зроблено
Петром/ будь-ким (будь для кого), etc. Consequently, the
dominant (and typical) features of a language predetermine its
structural type as analytical, synthetic, agglutinative, etc.
Typologically Recessive features/ phenomena (типологічно
рецесивні, втрачаючи колишню активну роль) are those losing