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            1030-1031         2) raids against Poland were launched to get
                              back “Cherven’ cities” captured by Boleslav I
                              the  Brave  in  1018.  In  1031  the  city  of
                              Yaroslav  was  founded  on  the  won  lands.  It
                              became  the  outpost  of  Kyivan  Rus  in  the
            1036              3)  finally  defeated  the  Pechenegs  under  the
                              walls  of  Kyiv;  some  of  them  went  over  the
                              Danube  river  and  the  others  settled  on  the
                              territory of Kyivan Rus and acknowledged the
                              power and authority of the Kyivan prince;
            1037              4)  on  the  spot  of  the  victory  over  the
                              Pechenegs Saint Sophia Cathedral was built.
                              The first library was established there;
            1036-1054         5) the first Code of the Custom law “Rus’ka
                              Pravda”  was  created,  where  the  primary
                              objects  of  protection  were  property  and
                              dwelling of the man;
            1037              6)  the  foundation  of  Kyivan  Orthodox
                              Metropolitanate  consisting  of  8,  later  16
                              eparchies.  Theopemptus,  the  Greek,  became
                              the first Metropolitan;
            1051              7)  Hilarion  was  appoinred  the  first  non-
                              Greek  Metropolitan  of  Kyiv,  who  created  a
                              large work “The Sermon on Law and Grace”;
                              8) considerably enlivened diplomatic relations
                              and strengthened the international prestige of
                              Kyivan Rus by way of wedding his children
                              with  the  representatives  of  European
            1054              9)    divided    Rus    into    independent
                              principalities of his sons: 1) Kyiv was given

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