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with the centre in Novhorod; Artaniya- in the
                              Black Sea Littoral.
                              In domestic chronicles the political formation
                              around Kyiv is known as “Rus”. This political
                              formation     integrated    several    tribal
                              confederacies of the Polans, the Severians and
                              the Ulichs.


                               THEME 4. Kyivan Rus.

            852               The first record about the land of Rus was in
                              “Tale of Bygone Years”: In the year of 852,
                              when Mykhailo began to reign in Greece, our
                              land became to be called the land of Rus”.
            860               The  first  marine  campaign  was  the  one  by
                              knyaz Askold against Byzantium. During that
                              campaign  Askold  was  christened  under  the
                              walls of Constantinople.
            862               The invitation of Varangian princes to reign.
                              It is described  in the Chronicle:  “…and said
                              the Rus’, the Chud, the Ilmen Slavs…the land
                              of ours is large and generous, but there is no
                              accord  in  it.  Welcome  to  reign  and  possess
                              us…and Rurik began to rule in Novhorod, the
                              other  Synus  in  Biloozero,  and  the  third  one
                              Truver in Uzborske”.
            879               The death of Rurik, Oleh became the regent
                              of the Ihor’s son.
            882               Prince  Oleh  seized  Kyiv.  He  lured  princes
                              Askold and Dyr out and killed them.
            883-885           By  force  Oleh  united  the  tribes  of  the

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