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amount  of  money  in  the             Cost  of  sales  Costs            Depreciation  This  is
           business  belonging  to  the           incurred      directly     in     simply      a    way     of

           proprietors      or     share-         making  sales.  This  could       spreading  the  cost  of
           holders,  including  cash              include  the  cost  of  raw       equipment,  machinery,

           from      proftable       tran-        materials or goods bought         motor      vehicles    and
           sactions.                              for  resale,  labour  costs       other  assets  over  their

                                                  incurred  in  producing           useful lives.

            Capital          employed             goods  etc.  It  does  not

            Total  assets  (excluding             include overhead costs.           Direct       costs       or

            intangibles  e.g.  goodwill)
                                                                                    Variable             costs
            less    current     liabilities       Credit            Foregoing
                                                                                    Expenses,       such     as
            (overdrafts,  short  term             immediate  payment.  The          materials,  labour  and

            loans,  trade  and  other             period  allowed  or  taken        energy,     which      vary

            creditors etc).                       to  pay  for  goods  or           according to the number

                                                  services.                         of  goods  produced  or

            Cash  book  A  daily                                                    services offered.

            record  of  payments  and             Credit  account            A

            receipts.                             running  account  with  a         Facility  Usually  a

                                                  trusted customer showing          loan      or    overdraft

            Cashflow  The  pattern                the amount owed by them
                                                                                    offered to the business
            of  total  cash  coming  in           to you.
                                                                                    by a bank.
            and  going  out  of  a

            business  over  a  period             Creditor  A  party  to
                                                                                    Financial  year  The
            of time.                              whom money is owed by
                                                                                    accounting  year  of
                                                  the business.
                                                                                    your     business,      the
            Cashflow projection    A
                                                                                    period     covered       by
            prediction       of      future       Debtor  A  party  who
            cashflow.                                                               your  profit  and  loss
                                                  owes     money  to  the
                                                  business.                                                 40
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