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you may need to cover              but that after that a

                                                   the gap between your               month’s credit is
                                                   income and your                    avaliable.

              Cashflow forecast                    expenses – as you can                       There are
            This      shows      the               see, by January our                some further

            actual       movement                  tradesman or woman                 differences between

            into  and  out  of  your               has paid out £3,878                the profit and loss,

            business account.  It                  more than he or she has            and cashflow

            thus      takes      full              received.                          forecasts.

            account  of  the  fact                         For                        -----------------------

            that  you  may  often                  simplicity’s sake, we              Purchase of equip-

            not       be        paid               have now assumed                   ment – the cost of

            immediately          for               that, with sales, half             purchasing equip-

            work  done  –  and,                    the money is received              ment should be shown

            corres-pondingly,                      imme-diately but the               in your cash-flow

            that  you  may  not                    second half only in the            forecast.

            have        to      pay                following month. For

            immediately          for               example, the August

            things you acquire.                    income figure of £875

                                                   relates to 50% of

                                                   August sales (£500

                                                   cash) plus the credit
                                                                                             Hire purchase
                                                   element of July sales
                                                                                      repayment on the van

                                                           We have also               are shown in the
                     One main use
                                                   assumed that, in the               cashflow fore-cast
            of the cashflow
                                                                                      (although in the profit
                                                   first three months, the
            forecast is to establish
                                                                                      and loss forecast only
                                                   cost of materials must
            how much finance
                                                                                      the interest
                                                   be paid immediately                                     12
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