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                                  It was dinner time. A customer entered a restaurant and sat down
                            at a table. He asked for a menu and said to the waiter:” Here is sixpence
                            tip for you; tell me what you can recommend me”.
                                  The waiter leaned over and whispered: "I shall recommend you to
                            go to another restaurant”.
                                  The  Americans  grow a lot of fruit. They  eat what they can, and
                            can what they can’t.
                                  A rich gentleman, walking in his park before breakfast, met a poor
                            man, whom he knew.
                                  ”Good morning, sir”, said the poor man, ”you have come out very
                            early this morning.”
                                  "I came out to see if I could get an appetite for dinner. But what
                            are you doing here?” the gentleman asked suspiciously.
                                  ”You see, sir,” said the poor man, ”I just came out to see if I could
                            get a breakfast for my appetite.”
                                  A  customer sat down at a table  in a smart restaurant and tied a
                            napkin  round  his  neck.  The  scandalized  manager  called  a  waiter  and
                            instructed  him,  ”Try  to  make  him  understand,  as  tactfully  as  possible,
                            that that's not done.”
                                  Said the thoughtful waiter to the customer: ”Excuse me, sir. Shave
                            or haircut, sir?”
                                  In a small restaurant we lunched at, there was a notice on the wall:
                            ”Please do not insult our waitresses by tipping them.”  But on the table
                            was a small box, with a slit across the top, labelled: ”Insults.”
                                  Willie was invited to a party, where, of course, refreshments were
                            bountifully served.
                                  ”Won't you have something more, Willie?” the hostess said.
                                  ”No,  thank  you”,  replied  Willie,  with  an  expression  of  great
                            satisfaction. ”I'm fu11".
                                  ”Well, then,” smiled the hostess, ”put some fruit and cakes in your
                            pockets to eat on the way home”.
                                  ”No,  thank  you,”  came  the  rather  startling  response  of  Willie,
                            ”they are full too.”

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