Page 102 - 192_
P. 102


                                                Phonetic  Exercises

                            1. Practise what you may say & hear.

                                              some             potatoes    in the jar.
                                              a little         lemons      in the bottle.
                                              very little      apples      in the jug.
                                              no               eggs        in the plate.
                                      is      any              regulars    in the fridge.
                             There    isn’t   a few            tins / cans  in the pocket.
                                      are     very few         money       in the sugar-bowl.
                                      aren’t   very many       cakes       in the basket.
                                              very much        milk        in the pub.
                                              a lot of         sugar       in the store.
                                              a great deal of   rice       on the table.
                                              plenty of        onions      on the shelf.

                                                    a refreshment room   on the ground floor?
                                                    coffee stalls       near here?
                                                    a cafe              in this theatre?
                                                    milk                in  the gallery?
                                            any     a canteen           in the hotel?
                             Is    there   many     visitors            in the restaurant?
                             Are           much     an orchestra        in the university?
                                           enough   bananas             there?
                                                    a band              in the salad?
                                                    a restaurant        in the fridge?
                                                    customers           in your office?
                                                    a snack bar

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