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pudding would be strange indeed.
                                       The Christmas pudding is a direct descendant of the old time
                                hackin or plum porridge, beloved by the English in the Middle Ages. Its
                                ingredients include:
                                200 gms prunes, chopped; 150 gms currants; 200 gms sultanas; 200gms
                                raisins; 60 gms glacee cherries, chopped; 50 gms mixed candied peel; 25
                                gms almonds, blanched; 30 gms walnuts, chopped;  200 gms plain flour;
                                200 gms shredded uuet;  2 heaped tsp mixed spice; 1 tbsp cinnamon; 3
                                tbsp  cider  or  beer,  3  tbsp  rum  or  brandy;  juice  and  grated  rind  of  1
                                lemon; 180 gms -fresh bread crumbs; 130 gms sugar;  3 eggs, beaten, 1
                                large  ginger piece,  1 rounded tsp nutmeg, 50 gms butter.

                                                     Snowfiake Cake

                                 2 cups plus 2 tbsp sifted flour
                                 ½  cup soft shortening
                                 1 ½  cups sugar
                                 1 cup milk
                                 tsp baking powder
                                 1 tsp flavoring
                                 1 tsp salt
                                 4 egg; whites unbeaten

                                Heat oven to 350. Grease and flour two layer pans, 8 or 9x1/2", or an
                                oblong  pan,  13x9/2x2".  Sift  together  into  bowl  flour,  sugar,  baking
                                powder, and salt. Add shortening, milk, and flavoring. Beat 2 minutes,
                                medium speed on mixer, or 300 vigorous strokes by hand. Scrape sides
                                and bottom of bowl constantly. Add egg whites. Beat 2 more minutes,
                                scraping  bowl  frequently.  Pour  into  prepared pans.  Bake  layered  pans
                                for 35 to 40 minutes, oblong 40 to 45 minutes, or until cake tests done.

                                                      French Cuisine

                                           Souffle                     Onion Soup

                                6 eggs                        150 gms onions
                                50 gms butter                 30 gms butter
                                50 gms flour                  salt and pepper to taste
                                250 gms milk                  For toasts: white bread; cheese
                                100 gms cheese
                                                              Peel and cut onions roughly. Heat

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