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Melt    butter  in  a  saucepan  over  butter in a saucepan and fry them in
                                slow  heat  and  add    flour.  Add  it until they are coated with butter,
                                milk gradually stirring constantly.  but not discoloured. Add salt and
                                When the sauce is thick, add the  pepper.  Add meat or chicken broth
                                egg yolks and grated cheese. Add  and boil gently  15 -20 min. Serve
                                the  beaten  egg  white    and  mix  with cheese toasts.
                                well. Turn into a souffle dish and
                                cook  in  a  very  hot  oven  for  25

                                                     Indian Delicacies

                                   Creamy-Dreamv Chicken               Mutton Rolls

                                1 medium chicken, disjointed   500 gms boiled minced meat
                                2 medium onions, minced       2 big onions
                                1 big piece ginger            4 green chillies
                                4 flakes garlic               1 bunch coriander leaves
                                1 cup sour youghurt           1 piece ginger
                                1 big tomato, blenched, sliced   4 cloves
                                6O gms almonds                2 cardamons
                                1/2 cup cream                 1 bay leaf
                                1/2 tsp each of powered anise and  2 beaten eggs
                                caraway seeds                 1 cup bread crumbs
                                1/2  tsp  a  mixture  of  ground  salt and chilli powder to taste
                                cloves,  cinnamon,  nutmeg  and
                                mace                          Grind  mutton  to  a  smooth  paste
                                salt and chilli powder to taste   with  the  rest  of  the  above
                                2 coriander and bay leaves    ingredients  with  the  exception  of
                                                              eggs  and  crumbs.  Fry  the  mixture
                                Grind ginger and garlic to a paste  until  dry  in  1  tblsp  oil.  Remove
                                and  mix  with  yogurt  along  with  from  fire,  cool  and  knead  to  a
                                all  the  spices,  salt,  tomato,   smooth  mixture,  then  form  into
                                chicken and nuts. Set aside for 2  rolls, dip in eggs, roll in crumbs and
                                hours.  Heat  120  gms  butter  and  deep  fry to a golden brown colour.
                                add onions and fry till soft. Put in  Drain.
                                the  chicken,  cover  tightly  and
                                cook  over  a  slow  fire  until  the
                                chicken  is  tender.  Remove  from
                                fire, mix in cream and serve hot.


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