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fork.  Strawberries  as  well  as  other  berries  are  hulled  or  stemmed
                                ahead of time, served with cream and sugar, and eaten with a spoon.
                            13. What should you do with the spoon after stirring your tea?
                                Don't leave your spoon in the glass while drinking. Put it on your
                                saucer. In general, it is  not considered  good  manners to leave the
                                spoon  in a glass or coffee cup or soup bowl or any other dish. It is
                                put where it will lie flat.
                            14. What should you do if your food is too hot?
                                  Never cool your food by blowing at. Just wait a bit, there  is no
                            15. What should you say to refuse a second helping?
                                "No more, thank you".
                            16.What should you say if you like the dish very much?
                                "It's delicious", "It tastes fine", "It's lovely", etc.
                            17.What should you say if you dislike the dish?
                                Nothing.  Keep  your  impressions  to  yourself  and  don't  embarrass
                                your hostess.
                            18.What do  we call "bad table manners"?
                                Reading at one's meal is a bad habit; it is bad for one's digestion and
                                impolite towards others sitting at the same table. While eating, one
                                should produce as little noise or sound as possible.
                                It is decidedly bad manners to speak with your mouth full.
                                Don't shovel food into your mouth, take small manoeuvrable pieces.
                                Don't take more than you can eat.
                                If you have liked the dish, it doesn't follow that you should polish
                                the plate with your bread.
                                Don't pour tea in  your saucer and don't put bread in your soup.
                                Don't pick your teeth in company after the meal even if toothpicks
                                are provided for the purpose.


                            Text  7

                                            CAN  YOU  SET  THE TABLE?

                            1.  Spread a table-cloth and then put out table-mats to protect the table
                                from hot plates and dishes -- a small mat for each guest and larger
                                ones for hot dishes.

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