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to rissoles, cereal and, in general, to anything that is soft enough to
                                be comfortably eaten with spoon or fork
                            6.  What is the way to eat chicken?
                                Birds are not eaten with fingers. Cut off and eat as much as possible
                                by using your knife and fork, eat the remaining part by the end of the
                            7.  How should you cut your meat?
                                It is  wrong first to cut all the  meat you  have  got on your plate  in
                                small pieces and then eat it. Cut off a slice at a time, eat it, then cut
                                off another, holding your knife in the right hand and your fork in the
                                left hand. The pieces must be small, manoeuvrable and chewed with
                            8.  What is the correct way to eat cheese and sandwiches?
                               Cheese is one thing that may be spread with either a knife or a fork.
                               All ordinary sandwiches are eaten with your fingers.
                            9.  What  should  you  know  when  you  help  yourself  to  condiments,
                                gravies, pickles, jellies.?
                                Remember that gravy should be put  on the  meat, and condiments,
                                pickles and jellies at the side of whatever they accompany.
                            10. How should one eat vegetables, potatoes, macaroni?
                                Place them on your fork with the help of your knife.
                            11. What is one supposed to do with the stones (pits and seeds) while
                                eating stewed fruit?
                                Eat them quite bare and clean in the mouth and drop them into the
                                cupped fist or take them from your mouth on your spoon and then
                                place them on your own saucer.
                             12. How should one eat fruit and berries?
                                Apples and pears are quartered, usually with a knife. All  juicy  or
                                soft fruit (or cake)  is beat eaten with a fork; in  most cases it is a
                                matter of dexterity rather than rule. If you are able to eat a peach or
                                ripe pear in your fingers and not smear your face and not let juice
                                run down, you may continue the feat.
                                An enjoyable way to eat oranges is to slice the two ends of the rind
                                off first, then putting it on  one  end and  holding on the plate with
                                fingers of the left hand, cut the peel off in vertical stripes with the
                                knife. Then  cut the peeled orange in half at its equator. After this
                                each half is easily cut and eaten mouthful by mouthful, with  knife
                                and  fork  together.  Water-melon  is  cut  into  large-size    pieces  or
                                slices and usually  eaten with a knife and a fork. Or, if with a fork
                                alone, remove seeds  with tines and then cut piece  with  side  of a

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